little foxes Policies
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We are fully insured by Birnbeck insurance.
Appropriate first aid equipment is accessible.
We have a Health and Safety Policy in line with the Health and Safety Act, 1974.
Our recruitment policy ensures that all staff are appropriately qualified, have relevant experience and are enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checked.
Risk assessments are carried out at both the forest setting and other sites we use by trained staff prior to the arrival of children each day. Risks such as loose branches and animal faeces are addressed before the children arrive on site.
The secure online registry records child's name, date of birth, details of their parents or carers and emergency contact details. Any health or dietary needs are recorded, and notes are kept of any accidents, illnesses or medical treatment administered to the child, to be signed by the parents/carers upon collection, or notified immediately in the event of an emergency.
Under the Food Hygiene Regulations 2006, all businesses preparing or supplying food, must register with the environmental health department. Our venues have been registered with BCC and certified as suitable for food preparation and supply.
Short term medical consent/ Existing injury forms
For parents of existing children: Please note that if your child's GP has prescribed a medication for short term use, you will be required to fill in a 'Short term medical consent form' and sign it before we can administer it. Please find a printable version of the form here. It would be helpful if you could bring this in with your child on the day you'd like it administered. Please refer to our administration of medicine policy above for further information.
In line with our safeguarding policy we also have a requirement to keep a record of when a child comes in with an existing injury. If your child has had an accident at home that has sustained an injury, please could you fill in this form and hand it in to your child's key worker during registration. Click here for the form.
For further information or for details of our other policies please contact us on info@littlefoxesforest.co.uk.